Banish Acute Throat Faster in the Following Way

Acute throat inflammation usually occurs in less than two weeks which attacks suddenly and subsides after some time. There are various ways to deal with acute strep throat without the consumption of special drugs, such as getting enough rest, and increasing drinking water. Acute sore throat is generally characterized by symptoms of sore throat. This complaint is most often caused by a viral infection, and a small portion is caused by bacteria. Smoking, vaping or e-cigarettes and air pollution can also trigger irritation that causes strep throat. Other causes include allergic reactions, to gastric acid reflux.

Recognizing the Symptoms of Acute Throat Inflammation

Sore throat is most common in the back of the throat or pharynx, a condition known as pharyngitis. It also can occur in the surrounding organs, such as inflammation of the tonsils or tonsils (tonsillitis), or inflammation of the vocal cords (laryngitis) which is often characterized by hoarseness. These conditions often occur together. Generally, acute strep throat can improve within 5 to 10 days even without treatment. There are several symptoms of a person experiencing acute strep throat, including:
  • Sore throat, especially when swallowing
  • Dry sensation of the throat
  • The emergence of a mild fever
  • Experiencing discomfort when talking
  • The appearance of a disturbing cough
  • Swollen lymph nodes around the neck.
It is recommended to consult a doctor immediately, if complaints of strep throat persists for more than 10 days and get worse. Especially if accompanied by complaints such as difficulty breathing, unable to swallow, difficulty opening the mouth, swelling of the face or neck, ear pain, blood in the saliva or phlegm, and high fever.

How to relieve acute sore throat?

Acute sore throat attacks usually only occur within a few moments. During a sore throat, avoid some things that can worsen the condition or cause increased irritation such as smoking or eating crisp and oily foods. In addition, the following steps can also help alleviate the intensity of acute strep throat:
  • Drink plenty of water

  • Lack of fluids or dehydration can worsen the symptoms of strep throat. You can also consume warm drinks such as a mixture of lemon tea with honey, so that the throat feels more comfortable.
  • Eat soft foods

  • While choosing the type of food that is soft and does not interfere or hurt the throat that is inflamed. For example soup, chicken porridge, or rice team, make sure it is not too hot.
  • Gargling with salt water

  • This action is believed to help reduce inflammation in the throat complaints. Do it in the throat (gargle) 2 to 3 times a day, using a mixture of half a cup of water and a quarter of a tablespoon of salt. But avoid doing this activity on children who are still too young, or have not been able to spit.
  • Breathe in the damp air

  • Moist air in the upper airway will help clear mucus and fluid due to inflammation. Avoid too long in an air-conditioned room, or use an air humidifier.
  • Don't make too much noise

  • Excessive use of the vocal cords can aggravate strep throat. So that inflammation heals quickly, then minimize the use of the vocal cords by reducing talking, at least avoid loud voices.
  • Quit smoking

  • If you are a smoker, it is advisable to immediately stop the habit. This will have a positive effect, especially if inflammation is caused by an infection. Quitting smoking will make healing time faster.
In addition to practicing a number of ways to speed up the healing process of acute strep throat above, patients are encouraged to get enough rest. This is needed to support the body against the causes of inflammation during this throat disorder. Visit your doctor to get the treatment you need, according to your condition.


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